“What should I do with my life?”
Are you trying figure out what you should do with your life and aren’t sure where to start? Or maybe you know what you want to do, but you’re not sure how to get there.
Join the 2016 Kickstart Challenge
If you want to pursue God’s purpose for your life, the team at LifeLaunch would like to invite you to join committed young people from across the country for the 2016 Kickstart Challenge – a 10-week guided study that will equip to you launch into life NOW with clear vision, through one-on-one mentoring relationships and real-life application.
How This Course Works
Beginning September 29th, this online study course will guide you through the Kickstart curriculum with five interactive webcasts. These webcasts will be held every two weeks and feature some of our Kickstart speakers (view featured speakers). The Kickstart curriculum is made up of 29 lessons, each comprised of an instruction video with a workbook outline and lesson assignments. Sprinkled throughout the course are 9 myKickstart Lap assignments (a personal life planner developed by LifeLaunch). These 29 powerful training videos, lesson assignments, and myKickstart Laps will walk you through the process of:
- Understanding why God made you, what He wants you to do with your life, and what true success looks like
- Writing out a life vision and mission statement, based on a true definition of success
- Setting achievable short term and long term goals
- Identifying the critical areas of knowledge, skill, and character you need to develop to achieve your goals
- Finding and engaging with 1-3 potential mentors
- Taking advantage of the opportunities you have right now, to gain critical experiences and attract greater opportunities
- Selling yourself in a job interview
- …and much more!

“For to everyone who has, more will be given…” (Matthew 25:29)
Sign up for the 2016 Kickstart Challenge and enter to win the grand prize of $1500 cash and a one-on-one life coaching session with Dave Tucker! Contestants will be judged based on how faithful they are to complete this course, and how active they are in applying what they learn. We want to invest in those who will take this material and run with it.
Course participation includes watching the video and completing the Self Evaluation questions for each lesson. Course application will be measured by completion of the myKickstart personal life planner assignments.
A winner will be selected after the course ends in early December.
- Vision
- Motivation
- Finding & Engaging Mentors
- Interviewing
- Entrepreneurship
- Goal Setting
- Networking
- Asking Questions
- Getting Jobs & Opportunities and more!
Kevin Swanson: Learn More>>
Steve Riddell: Learn More>>
Erik Weir: Learn More>>
Dave Tucker: Learn More>>
(Includes myKickstart, a step-by-step personal launch planner)
Workbooks will arrive in the mail prior to September 29th.
– 4 Mentorship Story Videos
– Mentor’s Study Guide (for Parents/Mentors)

Clarifing a vision, setting goals, finding mentors, and applying the principles taught in this course can be a challenge! (That’s why this is called the 2016 Kickstart Challenge!)
For an additional fee, we are offering live coaching sessions with one of our Kickstart coaches, who will help you break down what you’re learning and outline steps that you can take right now. This is where the really good stuff is!
Coaching is only available to the first 10 students who select the “2 Live Coaching Calls” during checkout.
- Kickstart Challenge Only: $199
- Kickstart Challenge with 2 Coaching Sessions: $299
- Kickstart Challenge Study Group: $149/Student (discount applied at checkout for 3+ registrations)
Kickstart Challenge Study Group
Note: To receive the Study Group discount for three or more students, a designated facilitator must complete the registration for all the group participants at one time. If you are interested in guiding a study group, please download our free Mentor’s Guide here.
Registration Closes Sept. 17th
View Course Lessons & Register
Frequently Asked Questions
Want to ask a question? Contact us here.
Who can participate in this course? →
This course is designed for both young men and young women ages, 15 and up. While some of the course content is applied specifically to young men, we believe you will find the principles and advice given tremendously beneficial, no matter whether you are old or young, man or woman. This is simply because these lessons are based on the truth of God as revealed in Scripture, which brings life to anyone who will read and act on it.
How is the Kickstart Challenge different than the Kickstart DVD/workbook set? →
The 2016 Kickstart Challenge is the Kickstart curriculum PLUS, and includes, online access to the updated Kickstart videos (rather than a physical DVD set), both a physical and digital copy of the the Kickstart workbook, access to the 5 live webcasts and their video recordings, and a chance to enter for the grand prize of $1500/a life coaching session with Dave Tucker.
What if I already have the Kickstart DVD/workbook set? →
If you have already purchased the Kickstart curriculum, but would like to join the 2016 Kickstart Challenge, please contact us here to get a discount on Challenge registration.
If I join the 2016 Kickstart Challenge, can I still get the DVD's? →
If you would like to get a copy of the DVD’s, contact us here to purchased them for $30.
How should parents be involved? →
While this course was designed so that students can complete it on their own, we encourage parents, if at all possible, to go through this content with their children. We believe God has designed parents to be the primary mentors for their children, and we have also heard from a number of parents who have found this content helpful in their own lives.
What are the dates and times of the webcasts? →
Webcasts will be held every two weeks at 8:00 PM EST, beginning Thursday, September 29th. Note: these dates and times may be subject to change.
– Thursday, September 29th: Intro to Kickstart, Discerning Life Vision, and Biblical Gender Roles – Kevin Swanson
– Thursday, October 13th: Success, Planning, and Impact – Erik Weir
– Thursday, October 27th: Competency, Influence, and Mentorship: Finding a Mentor – Steve Riddell
– Thursday, November 10th: Navigating a Mentorship: Humility, Criticism, and Growth – Dave Tucker
– Thursday, December 1st: Opportunity and Motivation: Taking Action in Faith – Q&A with Kevin Swanson and Daniel Craig
When will the course finish? →
If you follow our 10 week, suggested schedule (view the course outline here), you will finish the course by early December.
When will I receive the workbook and access to the content? →
You will set up a username and password during checkout and can immediately login to access the course videos and digital workbook. Physical copies of the workbook will be mailed around September 19th, before the course begins.
How can I become a 2016 Kickstart Challenge Study Group facilitator? →
If you are interested in helping to facilitate a 2016 Kickstart Challenge study group, we have developed some resources to help you. You can access these on the “For Mentors” page.
Will the webcasts be recorded? →
Yes. The webcasts will be recorded and the video recordings will be accessible as part of the course.
What kind of internet connection will I need to join the webcasts? →
You should have a fast enough internet connection to allow you to watch YouTube or Vimeo videos. If you can’t watch the 2016 Kickstart Challenge Trailer at the top of this page, you will need to get a faster internet connection.